W.O. Mitchell Timeline (2014)

John Brosz, Alexis Poeschek, and Annie Murray

WO Mitchell Timeline being used by the visiting elementary students. Photography by Dave Brown, University of Calgary Photography Services.

In this project we created a timeline of events related W.O. Mitchell's life and works. Research material and images were gathered by Alexis Poeschek under the supervision of Annie Murray. I developed the web-based, interactive timeline using these research materials.

The timeline was developed for the TFDL's main floor media wall (8 1080p LCD TVs in a 2X4 array) with interaction on the touch table in front of the display. I also developed a variation without the touch table for use in the TFDL's Visualization Studio (16' X 6' display with 9600X3600 pixel resolution). Created with D3 (v3) and jQuery (v2).

Visiting elementary group with TFDL media wall and interactive touch table. Photography by Dave Brown, University of Calgary Photography Services.

Visiting elementary group with TFDL media wall and interactive touch table. Photography by Dave Brown, University of Calgary Photography Services.

Close up of timeline. Photography by Dave Brown, University of Calgary Photography Services.

Screenshot of the WO Mitchell timeline.

By John Brosz, Nov. 2019. Comments, suggestions or questions? If so, email me ([email protected]) .