W.O. Mitchell Timeline (2014)John Brosz, Alexis Poeschek, and Annie Murray
In this project we created a timeline of events related W.O. Mitchell's life and works. Research material and images were gathered by Alexis Poeschek under the supervision of Annie Murray. I developed the web-based, interactive timeline using these research materials. The timeline was developed for the TFDL's main floor media wall (8 1080p LCD TVs in a 2X4 array) with interaction on the touch table in front of the display. I also developed a variation without the touch table for use in the TFDL's Visualization Studio (16' X 6' display with 9600X3600 pixel resolution). Created with D3 (v3) and jQuery (v2).
By John Brosz, Nov. 2019. Comments, suggestions or questions? If so, email me ([email protected]) . |