John's MSc Research Applications

All of my applications are only available for Windows. All applications were developed for research purposes, not for ease of use. Consequently they often contain mystery buttons, strange methods of interaction, no documentation, and a chance of crashing.

Application NameDescriptionDate UpdatedLink to exe
Silhouette Stability Renderer Non-photorealistic renderer that renders silhouettes shaded by stability. See this for details. 2005/01/28 sil.exe
Terrain By Example Synthesis System Used to create terrain DTM's by example. See this for details. 2005/08/22 TBESS.exe
NPR Terrain Viewer Used to create NPR renderings of terrain. 2004/12/15 NPRTView.exe
Terrain Sketch Program experimenting with the concept of creating a 3D mountain model from a picture with the help of some user interaction. 2005/04/10 TerrainSketch.exe
flt2obj Program that converts DEMS (in .flt or .grd format) into .obj files. 2005/17/2004 flt2obj.exe

Presently all of these applications have been written with VS C++ 6.0 and QT 3.2.0. Consequently you may need the following dll file:

By John Brosz, Sept 2005. Comments, suggestions or questions? If so, email me ([email protected]).